Gold Rush is an annual antique show and market located in Oronoco, Minnesota. Hundreds of dealers from throughout the country converge and fill the small town with their booths.

When our children were young, Kirk and I made Gold Rush a date day. When the kids became young adults they joined us now and then. This year Danae and Magnolia joined us. This was also the second annual Gold Rush weekend that some out of town family joined us.
It’s been 26 years this summer since our family moved to Minnesota from Upstate NY.
While living in NY we often attended the Madison Bouckville Antique Week. I was so hoping I’d find something like it here in MN and Gold Rush did not disappoint. I don’t think we have missed a single Gold Rush in all our years here.
Most years I’ve found a treasure or two, I rarely come home empty-handed, however it has happened. This year I was hoping to find an Ironstone pitcher and maybe a platter. A nice old farm table has been on my wishlist for a couple years now, but it eluded me again this year.
(maybe a custom table is in my future?)
Our antique hunting group started on Friday with 6 people. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a photo.
Soon two more joined us, then I met up with my friend, Marian.
Early in the day, I found these lanterns made from tobacco sticks.
My plan was to go back and pick up one of these at the end of the day, but I forgot. Kirk assured me they would be a good project to make.
I could have taken this ribbon spool and holder home for the cute factor alone, or the useful factor, or the fact that the ribbon was from a tea and truffle shop in Cincinnati,
not far from where our daughter lives.
I did find a few items on my wishlist!
Two Ironstone platters,
Goal is to collect enough to hang in a grouping on a wall.
and two small Ironstone pitchers.
Marian found the first one and bought it for me, 🙂 I found the second one.
Not on the list was this Ironstone slop pot, a perfect spot for my plant.
and this colander, which will probably end up holding a plant too 🙂
I’ll share a few other treasures in Gold Rush Part 2.
It’s good to be back blogging again.