Favorite Antiques | Craftsman Bookcase


I’ve chatted with my mom several times about the history of this bookcase, and its origins. We are sure it wasn’t from the old family farmhouse, but I can’t help but wonder if it was in the Sear’s Craftsman Style Kit home where my grandparents, mom, and aunt first lived (and lost during the Depression).



bathroom inspiration

After years of talking and dreaming about remodeling our bathroom, we are ready to get this project executed. The bathroom is currently gutted and stripped down to the studs in most of the room, however, I managed to take some before photos to share where we began with this project.

A kitchen fireplace


kitchen fireplace decor

You don’t see many fireplaces in the kitchen these days, but in Colonial times they were the center of the home; where meals were prepared and how the home was heated. I’ve always loved the idea of having a fireplace in our kitchen. Recently, Kirk and I looked at fireplaces and inserts, which got me … Read More

Choosing a Recliner


Our search for a recliner we both could agree on has been years in the works. We looked at many recliners, read many reviews, and tested chairs when possible. We looked both online and in many stores. Each of us had a checklist for what we wanted regarding the recliners. Kirk’s list included a comfortable chair that “fit” him well head-to-toe and he preferred leather upholstery. Of course, aesthetics were high on my list.