If Kirk and I were kids right now…this would be us.
Today was a challenge. Tomorrow an even bigger challenge. It’s turning out to be much harder than I thought it would be to leave my job. Bottom line is, I love the people I work with and for. They are an amazing group. There is sadness all around – none of them want this to happen either…we respect each other and work well together…but well, there just isn’t a job for me now. It’s a “re-organization” deal.
Today my boss and several others I’ve assisted took me out to a very nice lunch. Everything was going great until I was given a card — and they wanted me to open it. And there was a gift card in there for a good amount of money. Which was really nice, and unexpected. The hard part is that they all wrote little notes of appreciation in the card…and I started to read them and “lost it” if you know what I mean. So I thanked them through my tears and a shakey voice and looked for someone to change the subject and bail me out! Which they did.
I went home after lunch. Just too emotional. And, well, there wasn’t anything to do anyway.
Tomorrow is my last day. I’ll only be in the office a few hours…but at 4pm there is a “send off” party at Buffalo Wild Wings that was arranged by the “boys” on the first floor…my “Purchasing and Building Services buddies”. They invited lots of peeps. It’s going to be bittersweet. Kirk is coming too…and Danae. Maybe Nate.
I hope I don’t cry.