Hoarfrost n: ice crystals forming a white deposit especially on objects outside. I learned today that this is called a hoarfrost, or “hoarry frost” from my very smart husband.
An amazingly peaceful place in our yard This morning we worshipped at home. For some, that might be a regular occurence, but for us it never happens. We are so loyal about attending church services when we are in town that we only miss when we are sick. Today is different. When I woke to the beautiful sight of the hoarfrost on the trees….I recognized God’s creativity. After we listened to the podcast “Abound” presented by Rob Bell from Mars Hill Church, I went for a walk around our yard and took some pictures of God’s art, and spent some time with the God of our Universe. As soon as I finish this blog, I’ll be cranking up some Aaron Shust, Chris Tomlin and Paul Baloche praise music. This morning has been good. I feel refreshed. I won’t do this often, or make a habit of missing church …after all we need the accountability and fellowship of other believers.
But today…it was good to be with God…at home.