Let’s take a break from the obvious and expected post wedding posts. I have no dadgum clue where to begin with the wedding posts. So, let’s take a detour, while I sort photos and determine potential blog posts.
Thursday evening Mr. D and I strolled through downtown Rochester checking out the vendors and musicians at Thursday’s On First while we waited to meet friends for dinner downtown. Approximately 6 minutes into our walk down First Street the Camp Companion booth caught our attention. Actually, it wasn’t so much the booth, but all the attention a certain little furry guy (who was up for adoption) was drawing. ….
Mr. D said: (paraphrased) “I’d take him home”.
Me: (paraphrased) “well, then fill out the papers for an adoption”.
Mr. D: “I’ll bet you a dollar he isn’t up for adoption”
We shook hands on the bet. (furry guy was wearing a bandana that said ‘adopt me’, so I felt pretty confident.
The kind ladies at the booth confirmed that the sweet, friendly, attention loving furry guy was indeed up for adoption.
Twenty-four hours later we were picking up “Nike” for a two night sleepover home visit.
Nike has been with us since Friday evening and is proving to be a great match for our family. The biggest deciding factor was whether Gabby would get along with Nike.
We’d seen Nike with the foster home dog, and with young children as they poked and prodded at his face while Nike just laid on the ground soaking up all the attention. But Gabby, well, she isn’t always too friendly with other dogs.
- He came from an Indian Reservation rescue which you can read about here.
- He is an Australian Terrier, which some say is a mix of Yorkie and Cairn Terrier.
- He is approximately 2 years old.
- He’s been vet checked, neutered (last week), and is healthy.
- He does great with kids of all ages.
- He does great with other dogs.
- He likes to catch chickens š (we will have to work on that)
- We don’t usually (rarely to never) do anything this spontaneous.
- We had been talking about getting another dog.
- We both love dogs.
- Nike is the right size dog for us, and doesn’t shed (allergic people in the house)
- Nobody is sneezing, or has watery eyes!
- We’ve never rescued a dog before. It feels good.