Weather at The Cottage


I was a bit taken off guard by the weather this afternoon.  But my boy was ahead of the game.  Nate inherited the weather gene from his father so I typically don’t give any thought to the weather because I know the men at The Cottage will be keeping a close watch.

Before I even heard the first thunder, I saw this sight from my back window:

It made me smile.

With swimsuit on my boy headed out to retrieve chair cushions and put down the table umbrella.  He must have known I’d just done my hair and would fret about getting it wet.
He’s just sweet like that.

The gutter on the front of The Cottage goes underground…and when it rains hard, we get a cute little fountain spouting out of the lawn.

 when it rains really hard
the fountain spouts even higher
it’s fun to watch — but we are odd like that

The rainbow looked more like a rainbow – line
it was totally horizontal from our viewpoint!

all the rain filled the pool nearly to the top —
several inches above where it should be

which means DIY Guy has to drain the water through
the pump — out the magic hose

We’re easily entertained by water around here.
As long as it is outside.