A new ride


DIY Guy saved his money and bought himself a new bike!
He’s been saving and talking about buying a recumbent bike for a couple years now. 

 He found the bike on Craigslist — and though it isn’t new, it is pretty dadgum close to being new.

The bike has been in our garage for a couple weeks and he has only taken a couple long rides on it.  I tagged along on the maiden voyage — but we didn’t go as far as DIY Guy usually goes — because, well……my tush just can’t take the smaller seat on Baby Girl’s bike.  Or the lower handle bars which make my hands and arms numb.

So now we are considering buying a “comfort bike” for me  – so I can ride along — without whining, and arrive home able to actually sit.

 Before he even took his long ride on the bike path, DIY Guy let his close personal friends and family take it on a spin.

Nate and Mike: 

and Baby Girl
Yes, I rode the bike too, but I hid the camera — I didn’t want to embarrass myself….or my family.