Battle Lake, MN


We recently took a trip to Battle Lake, MN 
to a friend’s cabin for an extended weekend of R and R.
It was wonderful!
I grew up with lakes in my life.  My grandparents had a summer home on a lake in Michigan, and I lived 20 minutes from the beaches of Lake Michigan
Give me bodies of water any day for relaxing by.

 We were the guests of friends.  Friends who don’t mind when we sleep in, or nap.  Listening to (nearly 100) Loons every day is incredibly calming. We enjoyed swimming, playing games, reading and taking walks.   A perfect ending to a busy summer. 

The dogs easily took to lake life.
This year Nike decided the water wasn’t so bad 
he did a little wading, and a very little bit of swimming!
Gabby continues to love the water and swimming
Kirk and Matt really enjoyed the jet ski!
Cabin neighbors provided a walleye fish fry that absolutely rocked my world!  I’ll have a good walleye dinner over fancy any day.