Oh my, my, my . . . 

 . . . nothing like a little, (large) TV action to make a man happy!

They haven’t stopped smiling since this 52 inch baby arrived!
(which was AFTER Christmas)

Comments heard since the arrival:

  • “I just keep thinking what a great picture this is”
  • “You can see the grain in that basketball floor”
  • “There’s water on the court”
  • “The HD is a much better picture”
  • “Come see this, we can watch Netflix online free”
  • “Who wants to watch a movie”
  • “It’s my turn to watch something now”
  • “I suppose the boys are hogging the new tv”
  • “I stayed up too late watching TV last night”
I’m not a TV watcher.  In fact my family often finds it humorous when I am watching TV, much less when I’m absorbed in a show — it’s rare, I tell ya.  I’m happy with the itty-bitty 13″ screen I have near the kitchen that I can just “turn on” and don’t need 4 remotes and a degree in channel surfing to operate.

It’s been fun to see the boys having so much fun with their new toy.