This is how we roll
when we gather the family
each Spring – in lieu of Easter dinner

We play lots of cards 
Game of choice this year:  Nertz

On Saturday we head to the gym 

where we literally climb the wall and play ping-pong & carpet ball, volleyball, basketball and kickball.

We also take care of each other . . .esp. when a little one isn’t feeling well….

and we play more cards….and ate.
We ate very well, thank you very much.

and we went on walks

and did some team-building
on the Initiatives course

and hiked in the woods

and protected each other from the “boiling lava” …

it just wouldn’t be good to have your sisters
fall into the lava running just beneath them . . .

we also helped each other 
from one stump to another
across the lava pit

then we did some line dancing after more eating . . .

and some acrobatics  . . .

there was a lot of this going on too . . .

and nobody complained about it . . .

I don’t want to brag, but the parents of these offspring continually marvel at the love these kids show each other.  It’s a beautiful thing. Sometimes we just watch and admire how they all interact.  We learn from our kids sometimes.