I’m married to a DIY- GUY.  You know, “Do-It-Yourself” — which is both a blessing and a curse.  I must admit that it is more on the “blessing” side of life though.  I’m pretty sure my DIY-GUY, a.k.a. Drummer Boy can do just about anything I can dream up in my “remodel, redo, redecorate & create” mind.

Over our 27+ years of marriage he has made wood toys, built a two-story addition to our first home which included 2 bathrooms!  He can do electrical work, plumbing, drywall, insulation &  carpentry.  He has also built shelves, furniture, a shed.  He’s installed and replaced windows, and sliding glass doors, interior and exterior doors and french doors.  He has also knocked out a wall or two or three, or more? Put siding on a house,  installed a brick patio.  I know I am leaving much out. 
Currently DIY Guy is working on his domain – the guy palace — his 4 car garage.  His “Taj-ma-garage”.   He’s getting ready to insulate, drywall and install a gas heater….and I’m hoping an auxillary heat option — a wood burning stove!  After all, we will be using the garage for parties and extra space.
I’ve learned to be very-very quiet when he is working out calculations . Now I just take pictures of him while he does his equations in Menards.  
 I’m thinking this white Christmas tree with blue lights would look pretty nice in the garage.  But I’ll keep that to myself because I’d rather have cabinets out there, and a woodstove, and a ping pong table.   This garage will have a lot of potential to be party central!

Oh the curse part?  The curse is that he CAN do it all, but he doesn’t have TIME to do it all — my project list is looooonnnnnnng.  He is very patient when I ask him to do something, or make something….he just says, “put it on the list”.