Teacher’s pet


Shortly after Kirk and I started dating, we were driving by an elementary school.  As we passed by the school he said, “that’s where I went to elementary school”.  I responded to his comment with a question.  “Who was your 1st grade teacher?”  He said, “Mrs. Reiff”.  I said, “that’s my grandma!”  Kirk replied with:  “no way!”  When I gave him more information…like “Miss Mitchell taught in the room next to my grandma’s, and that I could tell him where the classroom was located…”in that door, 2nd classroom on the left”, he started to believe me. 
I used to visit my grandma in that classroom…and help her clean the chalkboards after school, and sometimes my mom would pick me up at my school and we’d go have lunch at grandma’s school.
Soon grandma & Kirk reunited…teacher & student.  Grandma was thrilled to see Kirk.  She vividly remembered him, and his sister, and his parents.  She even shared stories of Kirk in her classroom.  It was a fun discovery … and my grandma just loved Kirk.
Not long after, grandma gave this to Kirk: 
Remember I said I came from a long line of savers?  Well, grandma saved some of her students papers!  She had her old/former “coal room” in her basement filled with her old school stuff.  Grandma remembered she had some papers Kirk did — and she found them!  She also found some papers Kirk’s sister did.
Sometimes it’s good to save things!