It happened. Kirk and I joined the ranks of official empty nesters!
Official. Not away at college. Official. Off the payroll. On their own.
Yes, we are excited. Yes, we absolutely love. love. love. our children. We loved having them at home with us. We also love that they are all now gainfully employed, independent,self-sufficient adults (with college degrees) contributing to society. We are proud of their ethics, morals, faith commitments, good choices, and hard work.
It was bittersweet moving our Baby Girl to her charming and cozy apartment over the weekend.
We will miss our chats, impromptu shopping trips, laughter, tv watching, her silly antics, etc. But…. we loved watching her set up her new place and put her “touch” on the space as she tweaked and moved, and unpacked.
She was giddy in her excitement!
I’ll post more pics later after she has finished her “decorating”.
Finished decorating? What? Is a woman ever finished decorating?