and now … for something completely different*


Last Wednesday we spent a few hours at University Center Rochester (UCR).

It was graduation day for our Baby Girl!
She received her Masters of Science Degree in Education.
First order of the event:  attend her Action Resource Colloquium
(Baby Girls presentation was the best presentation in her group — no kidding)
(Colloquium: a usually academic meeting at which specialists deliver addresses on a topic or on related topics and then answer questions relating to them)

Following the Colloquium was the hooding ceremony.
Kirk and I were honored when Baby Girl asked us to do her hooding.

Next up:  the conferring of degrees

followed by the moving of the tassles.
(which symbolizes one’s transition from candidate to graduate)

Then the traditional photos

Current grad with grad candidate brother!
Nate will be graduating next summer from the same program!

*quote from Monty Python’s Flying Circus