Antiques | Garage Sale


If you like hunting for antiques, especially at garage sales, you know that giddy feeling when you set eyes on all the lovely treasures. This garage sale was dreamy – full of so many wonderful items.

Ironstone sugar, creamer, platter spoon

Recently, My son, Nate and I went to a garage sale at the Plummer House, a historic home in Rochester, MN. The sale was at the caretaker’s cottage on the property. The caretakers are antique collectors and had a large selection of antiques that were reasonably priced. It was the best sale I’ve been to in years! When we lived in Upstate New York (Endicott for those who are curious), nearly every garage and estate sale was packed with vintage and antique items. Here in the midwest, there is rarely a sale with vintage items. It’s been a struggle all these years after finding so many antiques out East.

Today, I’m sharing some of my antique finds and my tips for garage and estate sales.

Vintage, Hand Made Cafe Curtains

One item I was really hoping to find at the sale was cafe curtains for our master bathroom. I knew it wasn’t likely, so I could barely believe my eyes when I saw a rack full of vintage linens (including curtains) in mint condition! That’s the kind of luck my friend, Marian has — not me! Sure, I could have made some curtains, or even bought a pair, but for me, there is nothing like vintage when it works out!

Vintage cafe curtains in bathroom
Antique handmade cafe curtains
Antique handmade cafe curtains in bathroom

Vintage Ingento Paper Cutter

All of the items I purchased were “bits and pieces.” Little items. They did have wicker furniture, bed frames and a few other pieces of vintage furniture, but I wasn’t looking for furniture. I knew this vintage 10-inch Ingento paper cutter would be useful – and I was right. I keep it easily accessible in my studio/office for quick use. Writing on the bottom of the paper cutter shows it was once used at Assisi Heights in Rochester, MN by the Sisters of St. Francis in their craft room. The cutter is in excellent cutting condition and I’ve already used it several times.

Casserole Dish | Silver Egg Cup | Book

The little white casserole dish isn’t Ironstone, but it looks like ironstone and will get plenty of use. The silver egg cup for soft boiled eggs will make a cute votive holder and the blue book…. I can always use one!

Vintage Silver, paper cutter

Silver pieces | Toile Fabric | Wood Spoons

I snatched up the blue and white Toile fabric quickly — I think it will make some pretty pillow covers or a table runner. I almost always pick up wood spoons and vintage utensils, especially nicely priced ones! Even if I don’t need them, they make a nice gift topper tied on with a bow.

Just when I thought I was done, on my last “pass through” I came across this carving set. It needs some cleaning up and polishing which is a good winter project!

These small butter knives and serving pieces were also found on my final walk through of the sale. They need some polishing too, so I will have plenty to do in the winter months.

Vintage Leather Document Holder

This lucky find is already in use holding receipts for my business and for items I purchase for church events.

Ironstone Sugar & Creamer

The ironstone sugar, creamer, spoon, and plate were the first items I added to my pile of goodies at the check out table!

I’m collecting a few more Ironstone lids to do a wall grouping – I think this could be the last one I need!

Vintage Leather Attache Case

This vintage attaché case is my favorite purchase of the day! I’m going to be sharing more about it in a future post.

Garage Sale | Estate Sale Tips

Here are some tips for attending garage sales and estate sales, especially those with antiques.

Tip # 1: Arrive early! If a sale isn’t open yet, and items are outdoors, view items from afar planning an area you want to hit first.

Tip # 2: Make a quick walk-through picking up items you know you want, then ….

Tip # 3: Start a pile near the cashier right away, letting them know you will be adding to it. If there are large items you can’t carry, let the cashier know quickly that you would like the item so it can be marked sold.

Tip # 4: Walk through the sale again, this time taking time to really browse through the items table by table, adding to your pile when your arms are too full.

Tip # 5: Walk through another time, especially if the sellers continue to add to the sale. This time look more closely at books, items on the ground, and on the walls.

You can find other antiques I’ve found at sales and shows HERE and HERE.

Not all estate and garage sales are remarkable, but every once in a while a really wonderful sale makes up for the not-so-good ones!