Apartment life


The size of the place you live in isn’t as important as how you live in that space.

Last weekend Mr. D and I were invited to dinner at Dave & Jo Lynn’s place.  Over the summer, Dave & Jo Lynn moved into the upstairs apartment of the rental home they own very near downtown Rochester.

They sold their Pottery Barn-esque, designer home and moved into a one bedroom upstairs apartment.  Talk about downsizing!  In May they will begin remodeling and adding on to this rental home and will eventually move into the house portion downstairs and rent the upstairs.

It’s a tiny apartment and full of character.  I am in love with this place — maybe because it takes me back to simpler times when Mr. D and I were still renting an apartment.  Back when we really had free time.  No home repairs, remodeling, landscaping, mowing…….
and less stuff.

You will have to forgive the poor photo quality — I only had my little Powershot along, and I had the settings wrong.  Duh.  The dining table set up in the living room for a wonderful lasagne dinner!

Looking down the hall from the kitchen…. with the bathroom door on the right.

This picture is really fuzzy, but I want to show you the full view of the adorable kitchen

L.O.V.E. the vintage cupboards!  (windows were just replaced)

Cozy bedroom off the kitchen…

It’s really more like a little honeymoon cottage ….

we have dibs on the place the next time they go out of town …

for a little “get-away” of our own!

 vintage bathroom fixtures

Jo Lynn’s special touches all through the space.
We had the most wonderful evening at their place — good food, good wine, good conversation, and some healthy competition.  (someday us girls are going to win at Sequence!)
Never let the size of your home keep you from entertaining!