Back in the day . . .


As long as we are walking down memory lane, we might as well take a peek into another memory . . .
Drummer boy and I started dating as juniors in high school. Though we attended different high schools and lived in different towns, we managed to see each other a couple times a week….and talked nearly every night on the phone. 
Can you imagine how lonely we felt when he moved 400 miles away to attend college?  Let me remind you, this was 1977 – 1981.  No computers, instant message, email, cell phones, texting.  Our once a week phone call (about an hour long) provided a $90/month phone bill!
So we kept the US Postal Service in business . . .
Writing letters.  Lots of letters.  Sometimes 3-4 a week!  Then we’d talk about what we wrote.  Or we’d write about what we talked about.  There were mushy letters, happy letters, sad-missing you letters.

But as I read through the letters, I can see that we learned a lot about each other through our talks and letter writing.  It takes commitment to write every week and stay in a relationship for 4 years when you only see each other on holidays and in the summer months (when you aren’t at work).

That same committment continues.  Only now, we can talk so much easier.  Like tonight.  We were both sitting at the table with our laptops…..Instant Messaging each other across the table!!!!  šŸ™‚