Beauty salon


Tonight the girls are playing beauty salon

They have chosen to skip the Palmolive soaking session

and are moving right into the attachment of store-bought acrylic nails

Kate asked Danae to apply the acrylics —

because as we all know, Danae is a perfectionist

which gives you the best chance for a job well done

The laughter and funny comments — priceless.

Kate quote:   “I’m gonna tell every girl I know about these”

The girls now know that the nail techs make the entire process look easy

and note that it would help to have the right tools.

It seems like just yesterday they were little girls playing dress up and putting on mommy’s make-up

and doing each other’s hair — instead of holding it out of each other’s eyes

while they play with dangerous chemicals

just another way girls just wanna have fun  —

Nail polish remover – $1.99
Nail clippers – $2.99
Do it yourself acrylic nails from Tar-jay – $8.00
BFF Girl Time  —  Priceless