Bell Ringing


Wednesday afternoon Mr. D and I spent a couple hours outside of Sam’s Club ringing the Salvation Army bell at the Red Kettle.

This is one of the easiest ways to volunteer and make a difference in our community.  Mr. D and I try to do at least one shift each year, sometimes we get more than one in.

This year Mr. D rang with our Baby Girl on Tuesday, then with me on Wednesday.  Baby Girl also rang with her best friend Kate on Wednesday morning.  At 8:00 am.  Impressive.

Of all the MANY people stopping and dropping their donations in the red kettle, this little guy brought tears to my eyes.  As he was walking out of Sam’s holding his dad’s hand, he was digging deep into his coat pocket.  He was still digging in his pocket as he pulled away from his dad’s hand, and walked toward the kettle.  He wanted to give.  He had is own money to give.  He gave all he had.  The penny from his pocket.
Smiling ear to ear he took his dad’s hand and walked away.

The little ones loved giving…