Birthday celebration


Mr. D celebrated another trip around the sun today.  Which means he is now as old as me.  Yeah, yeah, I know.  I robbed the cradle.
For his birthday meal, he requested:
                                 1.  Homemade pizza
                                 2.  Homemade cherry pie

Rather than make a couple large pizzas, I prepared individual pizza crusts for each person.  And made a few extras too.

Mr. D’s favorite combo:  sausage / green pepper / green olives / mushrooms
I tasted his and it was pretty dadgum good!  Just the right amount of each ingredient.

Baby Girl chose to make a margherita pizza.
           Olive oil / tomatoes / basil leaves / fresh mozzerella / salt / pepper.
                                I taste tested this one too.  Excellent!

Mike and Nate made some manly meat / cheese / mushroom pizzas.  I didn’t taste theirs, they were pretty protective of their personal pizzas šŸ™‚

Made from scratch cherry pie for (late) dessert ….
Yup, I made the crust.  I also made the filling using frozen Montmorency cherries that we brought back from Door County, WI last fall.


Not pictured, but still delicious was a sweet pizza that we had no problem finishing off.  I just melted some butter and spread it on the slightly baked pizza crust, then sprinkled with brown sugar and cinnamon and baked to warm it up.  Out of the oven I drizzled a glaze over it.
Can you imagine it?  Oh my.  It was so good.

Happy Birthday to my Mr!