Thoughts…..on evangelism. Evangelism starts with communicating your story and God’s story, right? Wrong. “We seemed to have condensed sharing the love of Christ to a mechanical formula. Traditionally speaking, Christians often view evangelism as getting the seeker to listen to us while we share a verbal witness – give our testimony in the hopes that … Read More


LOTS of dancing! I think Cara danced every single song…and Nate was pretty close behind. Such party kids! 


Sunday evening….What a fun and exciting last 5 days we’ve had here! Here’s a quick re-cap..Wednesday…Last HS football game of season and watching Danae dance and going to VanNurden’s for the after game buffet. Kirk and Nate picked up Cara at Bethel U around 1:00 a.m. Her friends had p icked her up at the … Read More


Jensen, the flower girl was smitten with Nate….she would’nt let him out of her sight. At one point she cried cuz he was dancing with someone else….and another time she asked me to move to a different seat so she could sit closer to him! It was so cute.


Nate dancing with the mother of the bride! Nate hunted Jackie down and insisted she dance with him! 


The Hemmer & Dietzman “children” ….all grown up. These 6 kids grew up together as neighbors. The memories linger….. 


Danae and Nate “cutting a rug” 


Some of the flowers I did for the wedding 


Kirk with the kids 


Our kids at Brianna’s wedding on Saturday