Bride weekend!


All day Friday was spent getting TheCottage cleaned, baking, cooking, putting away paint cans and tools and putting 3 bedrooms back together.
Mr. D finished up the flooring in the three upstairs bedrooms and helped me move the furniture back in so some very special ladies could use them for the night.

Baby Girl hosted a bachelorette party for her best friend, Kate, who is tying the knot in 3 weeks!  The first night of the “girls only” party was held at TheCottage.  Mr. D and I took off for the evening so the girls could have the house to themselves.

Thursday night (when most people were sleeping), Baby Girl and I did a little pre-party decorating and made these cheerful party flags to brighten the room up a bit and make it more party-esque!

We didn’t do a lot of decorating, just some simple touches. 
Four pint mason jars + white sand + candles + ribbon + chipboard letters = simple, personal decor.
Having all the above items on hand =priceless!

Flower pots from IKEA (had on hand)
and mason jars with Kate’s name spelled out.
I think flags on the fireplace would have been perfect, but we ran out of time
and chose sleep over more flags.
Does anyone else ever do projects like this late at night?  
Or is it just me?
Always seems my most creative times are late at night.

The paper whites I forced for Easter were still in decent shape, so we put them to work too!

For a change, I had wrapped the gifts days prior to the party.
I love it when I think ahead!

Yes, ma’am, the walls are painted!  Did you notice?
Spent a few most days last week with a paintbrush in my hand
Still have to drill a hole for the tv to get plugged in under the cabinets instead of the wall,
but we’re making some major progress in our reno.  I’ll show you tomorrow.

First day of sunshine in these parts in a lonnng time!
Sun streaming in the windows was short-lived, but felt SO wonderful!