We were about to do group pictures when the kids realized, “Stef & Eric are missing” so Danae went to go find them and take pictures while they did their flowers, but left her “hard-to-walk-in shoes” and Heidi points and wonders, “where’d Danae go?”


The uninvited guest at the bird feeder 


Nate & his date 


They clean up real good! It’s so much fun to see the kids all dressed up. This was a girl ask guy dance…”Sadie Hawkins” if you will. Nate was asked….and Danae did the asking! Cara came home and did Danae’s hair.


Sisters and best friends!


Danae’s group of 20!


We took the pictures of Danae’s group at the Great Hall…this is a “hall” of sorts that the credit union I work for owns…and I manage for them. It was a perfect backdrop for the group photos


Danae and her sweetie of a date…..


“Arrange whatever pieces come your way” …is a quote I have in my book of quotes that I collect…and yesterday that is exactly what my friend Sara and I did! With Sara’s awesome eye for detail and decorating we arranged the built-in shelves in my living room. I just love them…and we had so much … Read More


Ah, the Dance Show! This is where Kirk, Danae and I spent our weekend…at least 2 hours on Friday night and 11 hours on Saturday! It was a lot of work for all of us to put on the show..but it was a huge success….we all work very well together and the girls are a … Read More