Let’s get our cottage floor plan story out in the open, shall we? Our home is quite quirky, unusual, and full of awkward spaces for decorating. It was built in the ’70s and is a multi-level home, built and designed by the original owner, someone who didn’t use an architect and didn’t pay much attention to detail or layout. To be honest, a multi-level home style was never on my radar or wishlist for a home I would consider living in, yet we sold our traditional 2-story, walk-out home 16 years ago to purchase this cottage located on the edge of town on 2.5 acres. It’s a beautiful property, we saw plenty of potential in the house, and we weren’t strangers to doing home remodels.

Multi-level home with awkward space to decorate
To give you an idea of the layout, the front door is on the lower level which opens to a foyer with steps leading to the 2nd level. You can read about the painted steps {HERE} There is a bedroom off the foyer, and an office, laundry room, pantry, bathroom, and the door to our garage on the same level. I’ll be sharing more about those spaces in the future. Heading up the stairs from the front door, you enter into the main living space.

It’s been 16 years since we moved here and we are still chipping away at improvements, enhancements, repairs, and remodels. See our recent kitchen update {Here}. Most of the time I can envision an improvement, but there’s this one spot that has me baffled…. “the ledge” as we call it. Basically, it’s a built-in wood box with a removable lid that is nothing but wasted space.

I’d love to remove the box and put an antique cabinet there since it is near our dining table and of course it would look so much better than the awkward ledge. While this option isn’t out of the question, it would involve pulling up some wood flooring to add flooring where the box is. There is also the problem of the cold air return vent and figuring a way to deal with the corner – as the flooring goes all the way to the edge by stairs.

Another option I have explored is having a built-in made to match the one on the other side of the room — but that might make the stairs feel very closed in. Open shelves are another possibility in this awkward space, but would that be overdoing shelves? I recently purchased the white vintage shelves on FB Marketplace and they are providing a good visual for how shelving would look there.

Believe it or not, this wall is the only fully open wall in the room.

I’m clearly not in a rush to conquer this awkward space — however, I do look at it daily thinking of ways to change it.

A friend just shared the name of a carpenter who is very creative and good at problem-solving with spaces like this. I’m considering having him come check out this space and see what ideas he comes up with. For now, until we decide what to do, I’m embracing it, decorating it, and continuing to think about it.
I welcome your thoughts and ideas too!