Dumpster Dive Part 3


I’ve saved the best dive item for last.  Definitely my favorite, and most likely to last through my decor edits.

This old kitchen window has so much character.  Seriously, when was the last time you saw a window that opens like this?

See that pink arrow pointing to that road burned leg?  Fell off my bike. Yup.  Hit a pot hole the size of small planet.  I’m fine.  Bike is fine.  Mr. D picked the road shrapnel out of the larger of the wounds.  It was gross.

So the window.  Mr. D wired rigged it so the window would open at a 90 degree angle, creating a shelf.  Then he rigged some saw tooth hangers on the back.

And voila!
We have up cycled wall decor !

I had totally planned to put a mirror(s) of some sort in this space
until I found these treasures.
(the photo on the shelf is Mr. D and his Dad with fishing poles
it is one of my most treasured photos)

There’s always a chance they’ll be moved to another location
(I can think of a few)
for now, especially for the summer, they are staying 
right here.

Did a little demo work (as in demolition) at The Cottage today!
But that’s a post for another day!