Family … from another mother


This cabin porch. . .

. . . in the Adirondack Mountains of New York
is a place of many memories for our family.
. . . and our dear friends, Larry & Gail know all about our memories of this cabin….because they live there.
A few years ago Gail & Larry sent us this beautiful print of a painting that their children had commissioned a local artist to do as a 50th Wedding Anniversary gift.
. . . last week I finally got the print framed, and I am still wondering why I didn’t do it sooner.
because every time our family looks at this print, we are taken back in time to the days we spent lounging on that porch telling stories and laughing, swinging on the tree swing, swimming in the pond, parades, fireworks, sand castles, the “pine tree cafe” (an imaginary restaurant), play productions performed by children, picnics, campfires, and bike rides to town.

We are also taken back to the feelings of safety, love and friendship we experienced here.

We spent many summer weekends here with many families that were all related……to each other. We weren’t related to any of them….but you would never know it — because they took us in and loved on us like we were there own.

And when you live 700 miles from your family — you need people like that in your life!

Have you ever experienced “family” like this?
Share your stories!