Five States. One Weekend. Day TWO


Day Two of our five states, one weekend trip began with an 8:00 am wake-up, and 9:00 am out-the-door scramble to hit the Chicago traffic.  This is a Saturday morning!

We are on our way to state #4 
I’ve passed this site many times
been there a few times
Go White Sox!

Finally arriving in my home state at lunch time

We treat the kids to some local food

A quick lunch
and we are back on the road to
Warren Dunes State Park

State #5:  Michigan

DIY Guy and I grew up going to the Warren Dunes 
and a few of the other beaches on Lake Michigan Shores

So many memories of days at the beach

Without fail, when we bring people to our old stompin’
ground here on Lake Michigan they are stunned.
It’s a big lake — and the sand dunes are always a surprise.
The sand mountains draw the daring
to climb

let me tell ya — the climb is not for the faint of heart, weak of knee, out of shape, person.
Inspite of that warning . . .
I made it to the top.  Oh yeah — I made it– with a few stops — plenty of determination, and the fear of being left on the side of the dune alone.  I was amused hearing one of my children say “good job making it to the top mom”.  As if there was any doubt!

After climbing to the top, we took a short hike.
The only way to hike this trail is barefoot. 

I think these 5 made it to the top with only one stop. 
I don’t know for sure since I was concentrating so hard on my own climb.

The aching lungs, thighs, knees, ankles … all worth it

I miss the beach

With our fill of the beach for the day, and a promise of hitting another beach the next day, we headed home with our long time Indiana friends Sue and Ed who had met us at the beach.  Sue and Ed go WAY back with us — about 35 years or so. 

Ed makes a killer pizza.  He dreams of opening a pizza restaurant — and he should.
His pizza is one of the best I’ve ever eaten!

I watched very closely as Ed made 4 hand tossed pizzas for us — each different.  Each amazing.  I learned a bunch about making pizza and am looking forward to giving it a try at home.  His secrets are safe with me.  
Did I mention he makes his own sauce too?

Day Three coming right up…