Furniture makeover


Over 20 years ago I found this Martha Washington sewing cabinet at a garage sale in Upstate New York.  It is a cabinet made for storing sewing supplies dating back to the early 1900’s.  I think I paid $15 for it, which was a pretty big spend for a mom with three little kids hittin’ up garage sales on a Friday morning.

I used it to store sewing supplies for years, and even used it as a bedside table and end table before it landed it’s current job as my jewelry cabinet.

It was a great sewing cabinet, but really shines in its new role storing my jewelry. However.
The old cabinet was looking a little tired and was long overdue for a facelift.

 Last weekend I got busy with the makeover.
Today I put Martha back in our bedroom.

She looks fabulous!

Now I need to get busy and organize the jewelry.

Oh yeah …on each end is a section that used to hold knitting supplies.
I’m still trying to figure out the best use for it.
Scarves?  Tights?  Socks?

Annnnnddd….about the yellow-ish and overexposed white photos.
I was struggling tonight — total user error.
The paint color is Behr Antique White with 
“Tea Stain” Ralph Lauren Faux Technique Glaze over it.

The knobs weren’t painted,
I like the contrast of the painted wood and stain knobs.
This project, and a few others things I’ve been up to at The Cottage over the last week
kinda-sorta explains my blog absence.
Sometimes I just have to get off the computer (and Pinterest) and 
git r done!