got my voice back


As often happens when I don’t blog for a week (or more) I start getting some gentle nudges from family and friends wondering when I’d get my [blog] voice back.   Any number of reasons could silence me. (1) lack of inspiration.  (2) A non-eventful week.  (3) I’m busy experiencing my life.  (4) I’m plain tired of sitting in front of a computer screen.  (5) It’s too hot.

Then…. I remember that this blog serves as my e-journal, my place to document the days of our lives [even the boring ones] and my voice returns.  

So…. let the recap begin!   I’ll be covering the following stories in coming days:

Three VIPs visit The Cottage.
Road trip/Wedding.
Funnel Cakes.
Today’s story:
A Bridal Shower

Baby Girl and I attended a bridal shower last week for Katie.
Katie and Baby Girl grew up living across the street from each other from the time they were 5 (and 6) years old.
Barbies, shared secrets, dress up, tea parties, dance classes, recitals,
high school, sleepovers, neighborhood night games, bike riding….
It’s cliche, I know, but it really does seem like yesterday
that these two ladies were munchkins, 
and now….
in 3 weeks Katie is getting married!
It was SO fun to see them together again.
Our gift …
complete with a fun homemade card.