Hope for Haiti


 Today two of our kiddos, Mr. D and I started our day with a walk/run.

We walked and ran to raise funds for a group of people from Crosswinds Church (our church) who are heading to Haiti to help with relief after the devastating 2010 earthquake.  They (we) are partnering with the Paulos Group

The Paulos Group is developing a 30 acre community with affordable, earthquake and hurricane safe housing complete with its own safe water source and sewer sanitation. The community will inspire entrepreneurship with a center for cottage industries to empower the Haitian people to help themselves. The first phase has begun and our team will be building the 2nd structure on the site, the first home in the community.

Our kiddos dominated us in the running portion.  We’re OK with that.

Our 50+ year old bones don’t like the running so much.

While there were plenty of seasoned runners doing the 10K, we chose to walk it

with occasional spurts of running.

Though we walked most of the 10K we walked at a 
very brisk pace —  

our hips, knees, ankles, and shin splints spoke
quite loudly to the fact that we
were walking at a quick 4.0+/hour pace

Thanks to pain relievers, a hot tub, and a 2 hour nap,
I’m feeling much better tonight.
I have no regrets — my day of aches and pains is nothing like the discomfort the people of Haiti have felt since November, 2010.  Every step was worth it.

Hope for Haiti

Our purpose in this mission:
Be the hands and feet of Jesus by displaying His love to one of the worlds most disadvantaged countries.
To Donate:  If you would like to support the need of this mission financially, mail a check to:

Crosswinds Church
8106 31st Ave NW
Oronoco, MN 55960
(Write “Hope for Haiti” memo line)