Last week I mentioned to Mr. D that I had a “plan” for the bay window in the dining area of our kitchen. A typical Mr. D response would be, “that’s nice”, hoping that my plan, project or idea won’t involve action on his part.
I struck gold this time .. Mr. D liked my idea! He even offered to help me with the prep work! In fact, while I was at work (camp) on Saturday painting two offices, Mr. D started the prep work. Now THAT is NICE!
This is my inspiration picture for the area….
This might be a stretch for some of you on how this could be inspiration for a bay window area. I understand. It is a stretch. What I focused on was the wood walls and white window frames.
Which translated means that I am painting the window trim and the entire bay window wall/ceiling area white! The window seat will also be painted white, and I will be making a new cushion cover. Over the weekend Mr. D washed all the woodwork down with a bleach mixture to eliminate any mildew. Next he sanded the trim, preparing it for the primer and paint that I’ll be working on this week.
Finally, Mr. D took the window seat out to the garage and trimmed the back corners so the bench can fit tightly against the wall. This was one of those projects where Mr. D says, “why didn’t I do that two years ago?” You know the type, the jobs that only take a few minutes to accomplish, yet they sit waiting for you to get the “roundtoit”.
Hooray for Mr. D for finding the “roundtoit”!
And that, my dear friends, is what I’ve been up to at The Cottage!