When we had a break in the cold weather a couple of weeks ago, I was happy for the opportunity to take the grandkids outdoors, get some fresh air, and enjoy a little creative time. We keep a large supply of sidewalk chalk on hand, so I grabbed the chalk, and once the grandkids pulled their bikes out of the garage, I shut the garage doors and started drawing. On the garage doors.

We allow the kids to use chalk on our old masonite doors. The chalk easily washes off and the doors are a fun chalkboard canvas — until we get new doors!

I’ve been itching to create a village scene, ornaments, or a huge wreath on the doors for a few years. With new garage doors on the horizon, chalk won’t be an option, so I took advantage of the situation this year and chalked away.

The kids were familiar with drawing on the garage doors and were ready to join me. However, there was some disappointment when I wouldn’t allow them to draw on top of my art! We worked together on the village drawings – and the kids included a cute little tree forest by the houses.

It was fun to get outside on a winter day, create with the kids, and indulge in some creative play.

My goal for 2025 is to create more.