“A library is like a feast that we are all invited to”
~ unknown author/possible laura patterson
(below photo taken with flash)
(below photo taken without flash)
I am embarrassed to admit that it has been years since I’ve visited our public library. So long in fact that I had to get a new library card – apparently I was MIA in their system. For a book junkie like me, it’s hard to believe I’ve been MIA. When the kids were young we were there quite a bit….and we rarely missed the Bookmobile when it stopped at the end of our street! Ah the years of panic looking for missing library books. With 3 kids checking out MANY books, it wasn’t unusual for us me to have over 30 books to keep track of.
Today I went in search of some books on photography and Photoshop Elements. I brought home 16 books….and am devouring them! So much to learn and know! Just learning all the camera jargon (f-stops, aperature, ISO, RAW) is enough to cause panic attacks! Then there is Photoshop to learn!

On the job front…the interview on Monday went very well. They contacted me today and asked if I would attend their staff meeting next Tuesday morning – another step in the process, but it is looking like they are pretty interested in me now. My days of freedom are numbered. pooh.