Live Stream


Dad and brother in St. Louis.
Mom and sister in Rochester.
Tim in Cincinnati.

We all were watching our Cara graduate from the University of Cincinnati this morning, via live streaming on our computers.  Except Tim.  He is our hero — he was there representing all of us!

We really wanted to be there.
Thankfully we have a very understanding daughter.

We’ve had to make some tough decisions this summer.  Missing events we really would like to attend.  An out of town wedding.  Out of town graduation open houses of our nephew’s and one niece, and Cara’s graduation.  Right now Mr. D is in St. Louis helping his sister clean out Dad & Mom’s house in preparation of selling it.   Some days I feel very “in control” and other days I’m overwhelmed with all I have on my to do list.  Yes, yes.  I am aware that some things won’t matter.  I’m keeping priorities in focus.  I’d still prefer to be very organized and prepared, and relaxed the week of the wedding and especially the day of the wedding …. and not frantic.
I know it is possible…. and it is my goal.
Now if I can only get everyone else in my family on the same page. šŸ™‚

Congratulations to our “Wild One” on your graduation!
We were watching from across the country!
Love you.