Remember how I always endorse getting away from home to be inspired? Recently Kirk and I spent a weekend at my cousin’s home, which ALWAYS inspires me. I was anxious to see the complete kitchen renovation they recently completed — we’re talking a gutted, knocking out walls, new floor plan new everything kind of reno. I’ll save the details of their new kitchen for another post, in the meantime click here and here for a tour of their home.
The kitchen is beautiful and well thought out to the littlest detail and I wanted to see and learn everything about it. My first question upon entering the kitchen was, “May I open drawers and cupboards to look?” It was so much fun! I have so many ideas now!

Emile Henry Storage Pantry Bowl
At first glance — the bowl with a cork lid and fruit on her counter immediately caught my eye. For quite a while now I have been hunting for the perfect vessel for onions, garlic, potatoes, and fruit. I’ve tried boxes, baskets, bowls, and tiered baskets, and have stored potatoes, garlic, etc. in a drawer. Let’s face it, having these items on the kitchen counter isn’t really attractive, and using drawer space isn’t ideal.

As she showed me the bowl and explained how she uses it I knew it was just the vessel I was looking for. If you know you know! The solution to storing produce on my counter was right before my eyes! The Emile Henry, Made in France, Large Fruit & Vegetable Storage Pantry Bowl is my favorite item in my kitchen! This bowl preserves fruit, vegetables potatoes, garlic, and onions for longer, naturally.

Cork Lid

I love how the bowl is simple, yet elegant. It looks pretty on the counter and at the same time provides 2-level storage. The cork top keeps fruit fresher longer and the ceramic bowl stores the not-so-pretty onions, potatoes, and garlic out of sight. The lack of light in the bowl also delays germination and the 3 small holes at the bottom of the bowl provide ventilation so it’s like having a mini cellar on your countertop.

The Storage Bowl
The bowls come in two different sizes, large and small. I purchased the large size and am happy with my choice since I often have plenty of produce. The smaller bowl is a deeper and smaller bowl. The bowl comes in four color choices including white, black, blue, and burgundy. I was really drawn to the black bowl, but deep down I knew the white one would be best in our kitchen. I actually bought both a black and a white bowl just to be sure of the color and returned the black one.

The pantry bowl would make a fabulous shower or wedding gift — or even a Mother’s Day gift. Before you run to Amazon let’s talk about the price. It is a bit spendy for a bowl and I never want anyone to go out and purchase something just because I have it, like it, or use it. This is also a good item to put on your Mother’s Day, birthday, or Christmas list.
I’d love to hear what you think — is this something you have been looking for too?
Happy cooking!