A new gadget . . .


Recently I bought a gadget — this gadget converts 35mm slides and film to a digital photo…and I am llllll-ov-in it!

Our printer/scanner does the same thing – but it takes a lot longer and is more complex to use.  This baby is a cinch to use.

I’ve been going through slides I haven’t seen for a verrrrry long time.  Pictures from our dating years, HS graduation, honeymoon, fun times before kids  – – – 

Pictures of our first baby that I had totally forgot about. . . 

I was so surprised to see those pictures of DIY guy and our first born.

Then there are plenty of interesting pictures like this:

and like this:

I happen to like this one — me in a bikini ! 
I think that was the last time I wore one too!

but these……oh my……..sigh………….

Anyone have some good ideas for old slides that are no longer needed?

P.S.  Did you catch the scanning error in one photo?