No where warm…


While several of our friends are in places like Mexico, Florida and Hawaii enjoying the tropics this weekend, Mr. D and I decided to go south for the weekend too.  

So while it snowed in Rochester, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois….

We drove through it all.  To reach our SOUTHERN destination.  Just 60 miles SW of Chicago.

Not quite the tropics.  And terrible, horrible, no good road conditions.
We could hardly see a thing.  Mostly the occasional vehicle  …. that would appear out of the snow misting all around us.  A white-out.   It was a stressful drive, but managed to have some good conversation and were humored by the optimism of the couple pulling this ….

We arrived at our destination, Dickson Valley Camp where my sister Diane is running a winter retreat for around 100 high school and middle school students.

We drove through the snow to see our Wild One.  She’s the retreat nurse.  We’ve done this before, met her here.  It’s just too hard to pass up an opportunity to spend time with our daughter (who lives 12 hour drive from her momma and poppa) when she is only 5 hours away for a weekend.  Tis much better to deliver b’day gifts personally than use USPS.

 An extra bonus is getting to spend some time with two of my sisters….

and get some awesome time away with Mr. D.
We don’t need the tropics.
It’s warm when we are together 🙂