Are you the observant type? Or, are you more likely to experience a cringe moment when your friend (or even worse… your significant other) refers to their new hairstyle and you suddenly become very aware you are that person who did not notice the 6″ hair removal and color switch from brunette to a blonde?
For the benefit of my detail challenged readers, and first time visitors, let me point out that I have changed my blog title.
I expected this surrender of the “Make Good Choices” theme would arrive one day and I’d have to hand over the title to it’s rightful owner – and originator of the phrase – my sister. When I began this blog back in December, 2005, my computer savvy children, suggested the title, and the URL. It was a no brainer at the time — with two kids in high school and one in college — they had been told to “make good choices” every time they walked out the door. Our “Wild One” (Cara) even wrote her high school graduation speech based on the phrase (you can read it on the sidebar).
This weekend my seester, Deedee took the plunge and decided to make her debut in blogland. The time had come to hand over the title.
For over a year now I’ve been trying to choose a name for our cottage — which I’ve always referred to as The Cottage. My kids, sister, and nieces helped me narrow down a list of possible names for The Cottage this weekend.
This is where you come in…help us choose!
If I thought it would be something that you’d enjoy, I’d offer a prize to someone who suggests a name for the cottage that I like better than my choices! Maybe a night’s stay at the cottage? Dinner & wine included. And pool. And hot tub.