The office


I’ve been at my new job for two weeks now.  Two wonderful weeks.

For the last few years, I’ve been on a journey.  A journey to find a job I love.  When my journey began, I read 48 Days to the Work You Love, by Dan Miller.

Dan Miller’s book covered these topics and more:
  • Discover your God-given and perhaps buried talents
  • Take those talents and create a clear focus
  • Embrace the gift of meaningful work
  • Experience the absolute release that comes from finding your passion
  • Understand the differences between vocation, career, and job
  • Find job possibilities that never appear in the newspaper or online
  • Recognize the only kind of education that has value
  • Find your IDEAL WORK – and LOVE it!

The book was helpful.  Today I feel like I’ve landed in my “work” sweet spot.  Just when I was beginning to give up on ever finding a good job that was (a) part-time, (b) flexible, (c) allowed time off, (d) matched my creative side, (e) used my skills and talents, and (f) challenged me, this job appeared before my eyes in black and white print.

I love learning new things — especially on the world-wide-web and I’ve got myself a learning curve now!  I’m discovering a deeper side to Facebook, and websites.  It’s all so over-my-head right now, but I have good resources for answers.

The team I work with is amazing.  They took a rundown looking room with not so nice paint, and repainted it for me, and have been working on my little corner of the camp world (office) to give me a pretty place to work.

Mr. D helped me make the bulletin board I have sitting on my desk (it will be hung up on Monday).  It’s made from a piece of homosote board, fabric, and a staple gun.  Easy-peasy.

I shopped The Cottage for the desk lamp and mirror.  They weren’t being used, and in fact, were in the garage just steps from going to Salvation Army.  You can’t see it in these pictures, but I also have a nice 4 foot long shelf that I’ve painted white.  It will be hung up on Monday too.

I’m happy I get to work in my sweet spot.  It fits me — the office, and the work.