Pocket Man


Yesterday friends of ours sent me a YouTube link to a video of their kids.  Not your typical video of someone’s kiddos, this was a music video.  A very good music video.  Made in their very own home recording studio.

We go waaaay back with this family.  Back to before their 4 kiddos were born.  Back about 20 years (can you believe it guys?).  When kiddo #1 came along, my kiddos and I took care of him every Wednesday night while his momma and daddy went to band practice with Mr. D.  Then twin kiddos showed up … and we watched them too.  Those were very sweet years for us.

When the link for the video of their kids arrived in my inbox, I didn’t waste a minute clicking on the link.  I knew it would be good.  I also had a hunch that I’d be able to identify with the song, based on just the name alone.

I giggled and smiled through the entire song.  The kiddos were perfect, the tune catchy, the words — they spoke to me.  The words not only described their youngest kiddo, they reminded me of our boy.

Greg is a songwriter, musician extraordinaire, wonderful daddy, devoted husband and a very good writer too!  He has written many songs but I’m pretty sure this is my favorite.   

In Greg’s words, [Pocket Man is]… “About a boy named Jack who loves life, explores with all his senses, and tries to capture all that this beautiful world has to offer…

…and cram it ALL into his pockets.”

Thanks Greg for the stroll down memory lane, and for making my day with this adorable music video!

You will want to subscribe to Greg’s blog, Just a Robot.