What do you call it when people are engaged in “putting together a puzzle”?
“Doing a puzzle”?
“Putting a puzzle together”?
I call it “puzzling” —
Puzzling, verb. The act of putting together a puzzle.
For years it has been tradition for our family to puzzle during the Christmas season. Last year we didn’t for some reason, and I missed it. For us, there is a bit of competition involved too. (Note Danae in above photo) There’s the unspoken “race” to get the most pieces together at each “sitting”.
There’s just something about sitting ’round a table together and puzzling. It is also hard to resist. If you give up your seat, it WILL be taken.
(1000 piece puzzle – day 3)
Sometimes the hours pass, and you stay up way too late puzzling…but seeing “sections” come together is very satisfying.
I’ll keep you posted on the progress!