Reunited …


Remember “Peaches and Herb” ?  Sure you do.  Unless you are a punk or don’t listen to “Oldies”.
Peaches and Herb did the song —  “Reunited”

“I was a fool to ever leave your side
Me minus you is such a lonely ride …”

“Reunited and it feels so good
Reunited ’cause we understood
There’s one perfect fit
And, sugar, this one is it
We both are so excited
‘Cause we’re reunited, hey, hey…”

Now you remember don’t ya?!

That’s the song that came to mind when I took this photo tonight . . .

Derek and Emily
in Rochester

You can always come “home” to our house — whenever you want.

To Mom and Pop of these two love birds:  You done good.  They are a joy.
We’ll be here for them when you physically can’t.  And….if you need a bed when you visit the kids….you are welcome here.  

Emily….call when you need a break from writing and we’ll hit the consignment shops and look at houses! šŸ˜‰

Derek….you have enough shoes.