The reveal


DIY Guy spent last week out of town visiting his family in St. Louis.
I stayed home – I had to work.  DIY Guy has waaaay more vacation days than I do — and he has earned them over the 29 years he has spent at the Fortune 500 company.

With DIY Guy out of the house — my friend Jo Lynn and I put our ideas and paint chips together and began creating a new look for our lower level TV room.  We enlisted the help of her DIY Guy for some critical jobs — like hanging pictures (there were lots of them) and moving some big pieces of furniture (it was heavy).  Baby Girl’s BF, Mike came over to lend his muscles to the furniture lifting too. 

Everything but the treadmill, TV and sofa was removed from the tv room. 

Friday night I painted from 4:00 pm to 11:00 pm.  Then put in a couple hours Saturday morning with the paint.  On Sunday — Jo Lynn and I put the room together.

It was SO much fun seeing our planning come together in the room.  The photo over the fireplace isn’t really there yet, I’ve ordered it and expect it this week, but the one you see is edited in so you could get the idea of what’s going there.  The 4×6 photo is actually sitting on the mantle.

Basement windows are such a challenge.  ugh.  This works pretty good though.
Baby Girl thinks I should update their senior pictures with more recent ones.  I’m not sold on the idea yet.

THIS is my favorite part of the whole project .  .  .

Framed LP covers (we removed the vinyl first) from DIY Guy’s collection — particularly his Chicago collection of LPs

Chicago is one of DIY Guys favorite groups — and we both grew up in the Chicago area.
There’s a connection.

The walls are a shade of blue.  I don’t even like the color blue.  But it works in this room, with the brown leather sofas.  Or davenports.  Davenports….I can still hear my grandma calling our “couch” a davenport.

I framed the “Doors of Europe” poster that our boy gave me on my birthday — love it.

I think the doors on the poster are a repeated design in the poster of the kids over the fireplace.  A theme of sorts.  Another connection.

I absolutely love that I am using photos I’ve taken and the door poster from our boy, and the Chicago LP covers.

I have a garage FULL of STUFF.  Furniture, rugs, decor items — I’m going to have a sale as soon as I sort through it all.  You all will be invited!  There’s some good stuff out there and it needs to go before I try to bring it back in the house!
I’ll keep you posted.
And maybe, I’ll do some “give aways” here on my blog!  Just the good stuff though.