Say “Whiskey” !


We had out of town dinner guests tonight.  Actually, it was more like we had a couple of our “kids” come home for the evening.

This is the first time these “kids” came back with offspring of their own!

This is Natalie.  Shes two.  She’s also a “firecracker” that talks up a storm and never stops moving.  She’s a very busy girl.   (I wish I could bottle her energy) She is also very polite and well behaved.  

Natalie does NOT like to have her picture taken, so I had to capture these from a little distance and on the DL. (“downlow”)

We’ve known Natalie’s daddy since he was in high school – he was in student ministries when we were leaders.  

When Natalie’s daddy grew up, Natalie’s momma moved to town.  Let’s just say it didn’t take long for me to start meddling in their lives.

And now look at these kids!
I don’t think they mind that I meddled. 

They are on vacation — visiting from Michigan.  We are honored that they would take time to spend an evening with us.  Of course now we realize just how much we miss them.

Thanks Natalie and Madelyn for bringing your momma and daddy to our house to visit and eat dinner with us tonight!  

Say “Whiskey”?  That’s what momma and daddy would tell Natalie to get her to smile!  Evidently that’s what Natalie’s daddy was told by his grandpa when he was little….and it stuck.

What funny phrase do you have your subjects say when taking a picture?  
Cheese?  Pickles?  Whiskey?  
C’mon spill…..I know there are some good ones out there!