

Being the jet-setter I am (not) I hopped a plane from Minneapolis to Cincinnati last Thursday to spend some time with Cara — attending a bridal shower given by her future sister-in-loves, shopping, and going for a wedding dress fitting.

We’ll focus on the shower part of the trip for now.
The shower was for two brides.  The Groom’s sister is getting married a month before Cara so they girls had a combined shower — which was twice the fun!

These cookies were all the rage — as tasty as they were pretty.  I ate a wedding cake.

The weather was perfect for eating on the patio with bridesmaids and friends

The weather was so nice, some of the kids at the shower took a dip in the pool — which was a cool 66 degrees.

The gift opening went smoothly with both brides opening gifts – I’ve “crowned” the brides for easy identification.  You’re welcome.

This bride loves white dishes, like her momma.

She is also sassy.  Not like her momma.

She loved her Vera Bradley bag!  If only we lived closer, I could borrow this beauty.

An Auntie had fun dressing up the brides.  I loved seeing Tim’s family love on our girl.

The weekend flew by soooo quickly.  It was wonderful spending time with the Groom’s family and friends.   It is very obvious that our Cara is surrounded by people who love her and enjoy her as much as we do.