Some days there is blog fodder all around, some days not so much. Today was a banner day in blogdom!

First, I had coffee with a friend and she complimented my husband as someone who is trustworthy, who has wisdom and is respected. (I hope I’m not putting words in your mouth friend!) Anyway, her words were something to that effect. Kirk is well respected by his colleagues, friends and children. That makes me proud. I love the coffee hour (ok, 2 hours) with this friend — our discussions are usually insightful, meaningful, challenging, and deep….and I love it.

Then later in the afternoon while I was talking with our daughter Cara she mentioned a conversation she recently had with friends – her friends each commented that they would not marry someone like their fathers. Cara, on the other hand, said she would marry someone like her father. That spoke volumes to me and I couldn’t wait to tell my husband about the two compliments he received today.

Cara & Kirk

Finally, tonight I watched Idol Gives Back. So many hurting, sick and hungry people — especially children. I just want to bring all those orphan kids into my home. Besides all the entertainment and attention drawn to the needs in the world, I was shocked at the end when the choir and current Idols sang “Shout to the Lord”. What???? A secular show singing a praise song? And singing to the Lord! Bringing attention to God?! Cool. Amazing. Awesome. I was an Idol fan before…but after this show….with the giving emphasis and the closing number…they’ve got my attention for another year. Is America becoming more spiritually aware? More concerned for others instead of just the “me, me, me” — more, more, more mentality? I hope so. Shout to the Lord is one of my favorite praise songs – here’s the words – and you can click on it in my music list to listen to it.

Shout to the Lord, all the earth, let us sing Power and Majesty, praise to the King;Mountains bow down and the seas will roarAt the sound of Your name.I sing for joy at the work of your hands,Forever I’ll love You, forever I’ll standNothing compares to the promise I have in You. My Jesus, my Savior, Lord, there is none like You;All of my days I want to praise the wonders of Your mighty love.My comfort, my shelter, tower of refuge and strength;Let every breath, all that I am, never cease to worship You. ChorusShout to the Lord, all the earth, let us singPower and Majesty, praise to the King;Mountains bow down and the seas will roarAt the sound of Your name.I sing for joy at the work of your hands,Forever I’ll love You, forever I’ll standNothing compares to the promise I have in You. Shout to the Lord, all the earth, let us singPower and Majesty, praise to the King;Mountains bow down and the seas will roarAt the sound of Your name.I sing for joy at the work of your hands,Forever I’ll love You, forever I’ll standNothing compares to the promise I have…Nothing compares to the promise I have…Nothing compares to the promise I have in You.Shalom,