Staycation Part I


We did a staycation this summer … at TheCottage

reason #1:  Our Cincinnati kids wanted to come “home”
reason #2:  We live in a cottage … with a pool … in a cool town … 
reason #3:  Two kids had summer (Master’s) classes that they couldn’t miss.
reason #4:  Why not?

The goal was to limit our activities, maximize pool time and get plenty of R&R. 
Exercise was an option, but few opted for it …
except these two who got in a good bike ride

Pool time was definitely a favorite for many.
We ate most meals at home by the pool, but did go out a few times too.

a new cottage favorite recipe!
 Cara, Tim, Kirk and I went to Four Daughters Vineyard for lunch one day
while the other kiddos were at work/school
some of us had more time off than others 🙁

We found a few favorites in the white wine flight
sitting on the patio overlooking the vineyard

 It was a very scenic, serene and relaxing lunch.

Next up:  First of my two favorite staycation activities!