Cow Puja


Today was the 2nd annual Farm Fair & Cow Puja at Squash Blossom Farm.   Baby Girl loves cows … especially “baby” cows — so we took her to the Cow Puja! Squash Blossom Farm is less than five minutes from The Cottage which made it even more of a no-brainer to visit the farm. There … Read More



A peaceful, ride on the back of a horse you are bonding with, on a beautiful spring day is amazing and incredibly therapeutic. Any stress I might feel melts away. I have really become attached to Layla over my months of riding her.  We have built up trust in each other.  I’m learning …. about … Read More

Layla and Faith


Normally spending extended amounts of time outdoors in cold weather isn’t my deal. However, when spending time with Layla and Faith is involved, I’m all in. I’ve been taking riding lessons — even on cold winter days!  After lessons, I get to go on long rides through the woods and along trails on the Zumbro … Read More

Spontaneous actions


Let’s take a break from the obvious and expected post wedding posts.  I have no dadgum clue where to begin with the wedding posts.  So, let’s take a detour, while I sort photos and determine potential blog posts. Thursday evening Mr. D and I strolled through downtown Rochester checking out the vendors and musicians at … Read More

New on the farm


Every day I drive past this I think just about every day a new calf appears on the scene There are days I can’t resist stopping to enjoy the view for a few minutes.  It’s been fun to see the herd grow in numbers and to see the little ones go from mostly laying down … Read More

The quintessential early bird


Waking up this morning to a tree full of American Robins singing in our crabapple tree made the “spring ahead” move into Daylight Savings Time a delightful experience. My first count was 10 robins,  give or take a few flying in and out of the tree as I counted. They are cleaning up the berries … Read More

Equine duty


While our neighbors were out of town for the weekend I was on duty to feed and water their horses — Red and Silk. It doesn’t take long — maybe 15 minutes in all and I love every minute besides enjoying the horses it’s nice to see the neighborhood blanketed in snow — and view … Read More

A Buck


I can’t imagine ever tiring of seeing  wild life in our yard and neighborhood. This young buck hung out near the road  for about an hour on Saturday morning. I shot him while standing inside our front door. Mr. D saw him and his deer friend  in the same place this morning. I’m trying to convince Mr. … Read More

When the dog is away . . .


As we pulled into our driveway last night the first thing we noticed was the pumpkin carnage. Pumpkins were strewn around the yard seeds were everywhere  It appears that while the dog was away  the squirrels came out to  Play er,um, I mean party our security camera caught it all on tape some did a little too … Read More

Like OR Dislike


Consider this fair warning. The images you are about to see may be disturbing to some. They also could be cool to others. I’ll let you decide . . . Toads. Itty-bitty, teensy-weensy, itsy-bitsy, little toad: Cool?  or  Gross? When I was a young punk with no fear and lots of curiosity, I liked little toads.  I … Read More