Cow Puja


Today was the 2nd annual Farm Fair & Cow Puja at Squash Blossom Farm.   Baby Girl loves cows … especially “baby” cows — so we took her to the Cow Puja! Squash Blossom Farm is less than five minutes from The Cottage which made it even more of a no-brainer to visit the farm. There … Read More

Whitewater Wines


We have had a wonderful weekend at The Cottage … relaxing and taking in a local spot. My sister, her husband and their youngest daughter came to visit us this weekend.  Our goal was to incorporate plenty of “kickin’ back” this weekend, and I think we accomplished this. Saturday afternoon we drove to Plainview, MN … Read More

Commute delay


Normally my commute to and from my job takes between 15 and 20 minutes. Today it took me 50 minutes to get home. About two thirds of my commute is on winding country back roads.  The other third is on a state highway.  Today, where the country road meets up with the highway I was … Read More



As Mr. D and drove the back roads on our way home from a friend’s house this afternoon we learned two things. 1.  There is a large reservoir very near our house.  How did we not know this? View Larger Map We followed what we thought were “kites” in the air — to the above … Read More

Me? Teaching?


Last fall a friend of mine (thanks Sue) encouraged me to teach a Community Education class. Not wanting to be the only teacher in the class and not feeling particularly qualified, I recruited Mark, a friend of Mr. D and I — who is a self-claimed web “geek”  to teach the blogging class with me. … Read More



I’m procrastinating right now. I know, right? Hard to believe isn’t it? I should be writing Christmas cards. which I will be doing in a few minutes. My kiddo’s have been on my case about my lack of blog posts lately. Can you say spoiled? Since this white stuff is stealing the show in Minnesnowta, … Read More

On the trail again . . .


Our neighbors — Some we chat with on the road Others we visit and have a drink with a couple times a month One has 2 horses and one neighbor has this: and they let us borrow it for the week. We have had so much fun riding this tandem. Someday, I hope we own … Read More



Sooooo, lately DIY Guy has been giving me some blog post ideas. As the thunder cracks and rumbles and lightening flashes like strobe lights through my windows, I am reminded of DIY Guy’s first blog suggestion. Suggestion #1 “You should do a follow-up on the Dark & Stormy Night post.” Follow-up because that stormy night … Read More

In the news !


 Remember this story? You can read it here. Or… you can read the story as Tracy McCray describes it on the Post-Bulletin website here. Or… you can read the story in print in the Saturday, June 19th edition! Tracy said this about my blog…..“I LOVE the “always have a choice and it always makes a … Read More

Doing the right thing


 Found – Power Tool in Rochester.  Must identify the power tool (type / model, etc) and where & how you may have lost it.  I will not respond unless you give me some details (brand and type of tool minimum) — don’t bother fishing for info. On his way to play drums at church last … Read More