Back in the saddle again


Back in the literal saddle, and back in the blogging saddle.  We enjoyed a wonderful week with our firstborn during her vacation/visit.  It was a week full of shopping, talking, two trips to the Cities, shopping, movies, shopping, laughing, dining out. and in., staying up late, going to bed early because we stayed up too … Read More

Us girls


First born (a.k.a. Wild One) (a.k.a. Cara) arrived via Delta Airlines at the Minneapolis/St.Paul airport at 10:10 am on Thursday morning. Baby Girl (a.k.a Danae) and I met her outside the luggage claim and within minutes we were on our way to the Albertville Outlets where we shopped til we dropped! On our long drive home to … Read More

No where warm…


While several of our friends are in places like Mexico, Florida and Hawaii enjoying the tropics this weekend, Mr. D and I decided to go south for the weekend too.   So while it snowed in Rochester, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois…. We drove through it all.  To reach our SOUTHERN destination.  Just 60 miles SW … Read More

Passing it on…


While visiting our kids in Cincinnati we dined out a few times.  It’s pretty much standard procedure for us to hit up Skyline one night (a four-way for Mr. D, and a three-way for me) and Dewey’s pizza, just down the street from the kids, on another night. On this visit, Cara requested to make … Read More

Crossing guard


We had the best crossing guard  when we lived in Vestal, NY ….. (circa 1981-1992)   especially on last day of school before Christmas break 

Minnesota Shower


Ladies who have known Cara for many years gathered together at a restaurant in downtown Rochester on Thursday night. They showered her with gifts and love We are so thankful to have all these amazing women in our lives. Some have known Cara for 19 years of her 25 years of life. All have known … Read More

Live Stream


Dad and brother in St. Louis. Mom and sister in Rochester. Tim in Cincinnati. We all were watching our Cara graduate from the University of Cincinnati this morning, via live streaming on our computers.  Except Tim.  He is our hero — he was there representing all of us! We really wanted to be there. Thankfully … Read More

Live Stream


Dad and brother in St. Louis. Mom and sister in Rochester. Tim in Cincinnati. We all were watching our Cara graduate from the University of Cincinnati this morning, via live streaming on our computers. We really wanted to be there. Thankfully we have a very understanding daughter. We’ve had to make some tough decisions this … Read More

Redneck Woman


To understand my girls better, have a listen to this Gretchen Wilson song . . . Then check out our girls having fun over the weekend .  .  .



Being the jet-setter I am (not) I hopped a plane from Minneapolis to Cincinnati last Thursday to spend some time with Cara — attending a bridal shower given by her future sister-in-loves, shopping, and going for a wedding dress fitting. We’ll focus on the shower part of the trip for now. The shower was for … Read More